Why is it called a strawberry? In London children used to collect the berries, string them on pieces of straw, then sell them at the markets as 'Straws of Berries'. The runners which the plants produce are said to be strewn or dispersed around the plant. In some literature the fruit is called strewberry.
It's not uncommon to assume that strawberries are high in sugar. However, one serving of strawberries only contains 7 grams of sugar. This is significantly lower than other fruits such as bananas, with one medium sized banana containing 12 grams of sugar. As a source of vitamin A, vitamin K, and various minerals, strawberries can lower your risk of developing some diseases. This includes degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Dementia. Their high phytonutrient and antioxidant content has also shown that strawberries help to protect against cancers.